
The people who sent her those images are fucking sociopaths. There is no way in hell they can do something so unbelievably cruel and not measure anywhere above zero on the sociopath scale.

So, did "Del Harvey, Twitter's vice president of trust and safety" just start work yesterday? If not, he's been doing a really crappy job so far.

I hate earrings on babies.

"I didn't watch it because this website says it's four minutes long and I am a very busy woman."

North West is a very cute baby. I will say that I see equally cute babies all around me every day, and to date, they do not speak in Karl Lagerfeld's voice, which is a good thing. Because he is creepy.

The only way to wrap up this pun thread:

He's gonna need a bigger couch.

He's an entertainer whose biggest claim to fame was in a movie with a very famous sharks (with laser beams attached to their heads) scene. It's Sean Connery asking for a martini as a 007 allusion- not a Scottish slur. Plus, any man on the planet, regardless of height, would look just as adorable in that costume

Hook was my Tuesday night cry. Pan the Man.

I don't know how true it is, but one of my favorite anecdotes to come out about him recently is that Aladdin was denied a Best Original Screenplay nomination because Williams ad-libbed so much of his part that it wasn't even recognizable.

I'm trying to work up the nerve to watch Jack. It's one of my favorite films but I think it would break my heart all over again.

Given the heinous fake documentaries they've been doing, they're actually making people think sharks are bloodthirsty demons in search of human flesh. So I'm not surprised that the current Shark Week is having this effect.

Why doesn't Gawker Media have some kind of 'flag post' option? I know there's 'dismiss' for replies, but there are plenty of situations where flagging could help.

I'm all for bringing back the greys, with one condition:

Didn't people used to be sort of vetted in? I can't remember, but I remember it was hard to even get comments to appear a few years ago. I'd hate it, but maybe testing a flagging system?

yay! i'll happily go back to being ignored in the greys if it means no more terrible gifs everywhere :D

I'm cancelling this week everyone. This week is now over. Everyone please go home and set your alarms for Monday morning.

While it was harmless, I think the point is that most white people care less to learn the difference because its not interesting to them. You know that Asians sure as hell damn know the difference between cyrillic, roman alphabet, georgian alphabet (even if they cant identify where its from) and arabic. Not

Best wishes to this honorable man for a full and quick recovery.

That's so terrible. This is my point, by the way, every time some guy (generally sexist, but sometimes just clueless) tells me to just yell back or tell men to fuck off when they harass me in the street - you just never know if that guy is the type of guy who will go apeshit. Anyway, I wish this guy a speedy