
Canada is a constitutional Monarchy. To change that would require Constiutionsl change, which is a massive can of worms here. The mere sound of the can opener is enough to send anyone who lived through the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords debates running away screaming.

Brexit won’t lead to a United Ireland. The only people calling for a Unification vote are Republicans. Unionists are still the majority, and the two communities live in neighbourhoods divided by euphemistically named peace walls and don’t even attend the same schools. The Unionists still hold annual parades through

Prince Charles would never say that. The Queen would be terribly upset if he did. As she is wont to say: “One abdication in the family is enough.”

IIRC Charles and Camilla were married by the Church of Scotland to get around the Anglican Church problem.

She won’t be Queen consort. Queens are either Queen regnant or Queen consort. Queen Elizabeth is a Queen regnant. Her mother was a Queen consort. Camilla could only ever be a Queen consort, and Charles has already agreed that she won’t be Queen.

Charles has never said that. The Queen would never permit such a thing, either. She has strong feelings on the subject of abdication, as she believes that her Uncle’s abdication, and her father taking the throne pushed her father to an early grave.

Where on Earth did you get that? The Anglican Church was founded because Henry VIII wanted a divorce.

Why should he?

I have to say, for this Canadian, the thought of the death of the Queen is anxiety inducing. It’s silly, I know, because her powers are constrained and she is rarely here, but still, somewhere in my lizard brain there is something screeching “Change bad! No!”.

Milk, bread and eggs was a joke. It’s an old trope that people rush out to buy them before a storm.

Who want to look like they stole the feet of a manikin?

Somebody would pay $1000 + for that?

Fresh bay leaves are laurel, what the Greeks used to crown winners at the Olympics. Clearly they thought bay leaves were something special.

But are training pants even worth a damn? “No kid will use a trainer like underwear, which is what marketers want people to think,” scoffed potty-training consultant Sarah Grover. “If a child can pee and poop in there and not get wet, that’s not potty training.”

Looks like everyone wears a blue t shirt with different accent colours on the sleeves now. Sparks, pink, Brownies brown, Guides a different shade of blue... and so on.

Cookies. They’re like Oreo clones.

Also Welsh.

I guess he’d forgetting the time that people would have frowned on his German grandparent marrying his Irish one...

GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

Yes, both acids and bases can be corrosive.