
ADHD doesn’t need necessarily lead to reading difficulties. I have ADHD and have always been a prolific reader, due to ADHD hyperfocus.

His father had Alzheimer’s, with an onset at about the same age as Trump is now.

A similar chart would have existed for the Roma (Gypsies) only iirc you being up to a 1/4 Jewish was enough to make you Jewish, while being 1/8 Roma was enough to make you Roma.

There’s this Canadians TV show, X-Company, about spies in Nazi occupied Europe. This season the show is in Nazi occupied Poland, and a couple of episodes ago, they had the Nazis going through a Polish village, categorizing people by physical characteristics. Children who were sufficiently blonde and blue-eyed (they

Close. I teach at an elementary school near there.

I was surprised to read a while back that while Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, far more Pakistanis speak Punjabi than Urdu.

*waves to you from Halton Hills*

That’s quite the straw man you’ve constructed for yourself there. No where did I even mention the shooting, much less attempt to justify it.

You would be wrong. The Indian army maintains a Sikh regiment of 19 battalions.

But she has hair, and a different walk.

Presumably she is speaking for Smurfette?

The Three Musketeers isn’t set in the Medieval period, though. It’s 200 years too late.

I’m not entirely certain what her old face looked like....

Maria Salomea Skłodowska, the only person to ever win two Nobel prizes, better known as Marie Currie, begs to differ on the “less intelligent” front.

And the colour isn’t doing anything for her either.

The male ego is at the centre of the prolife movement? Colour me shocked.

The hunting trip explanation is for the ammunition incident, not the pistol incident.


A former coworker of mine is Maltese. He’s in his late 40's, and he says when he was a kid growing up in Toronto he was not considered white. The high school that served the neighbourhood where the bulk of Toronto’s Maltese community lived was predominately Italian, when he was growing up and apparently a lot of the

My BiL and his 4 year old daughter *love* “All About that Bass”. At some point during pretty much every family gathering he will fire it up on YouTube and they will sing it.