
You seriously don’t see the difference between being detained by immigration officials and being inconvenienced?

Meanwhile Air BNB is offering free places to stay for people who were caught in transit by this Order.

Did he always look so dead behind the eyes?

They were an immigrant family, so I don’t know, maybe that was the conservative lie in their country or origin?

I don’t see anything wrong with the answer you gave that moment.. Small children often aren’t looking for big, technical answers. It was basically true and if that was enough to satisfy your child in the moment, then it was a good answer. And you know that you need to prepare to give a more detailed answer when

Did Spicer always look so dead in the eyes?

I don’t think he will last 4 years.

It is not. Stop the World Teabaggers want to get off is a satire site.

Stop the world teabaggers want to get off is a satirical Facebook group. Huckabee never said this.

But then he would have to talk endlessly about how the lying media misreported the length.

There’s also a Scientist March being planned.

There’s a Scientist March being planted right now. Details haven’t been firmed up yet, but they are talking about doing it in March.

I don’t think he has even considered that might be a possibility. In his world people do what he says, or they get bowled over. When things don’t go his way, he just rewrites history in his mind. For example, he insisted he never settles lawsuits, when it’s a well documented in the public record that he does.

Now’s a good time to get back in there. With all the alt government agency accounts set up to resist, it’s a great time.

There are quite a few denominations who have been supporting undocumented workers well before this. Asses as you say, are already in gear.

Yeah, but we had 8 years of Stephen Harper, largely due to the Liberal party choosing the wrong people as leader. First there was Stephane Dion a policy wonk from Quebec, whose English was not up to the challenge. Shame because I really liked him. He had bold ideas on tackling climate change. Then there was

Taking a page from Stephen Harper, I see. Under the Conservatives the biggest increase in federal employees was in Communications officers, because Scientists couldn’t be trusted to talk to the media.

The impact of the UN is more than just real estate. The spin off effect of all the economic activity they engage in is also important to the city. In 2016, the UN is estimated to have contributed $3.69 billion to the economy of New York. Over 25 000 jobs in New York are directly attributable to the UN’s presence in

My grandfather was good at finding farm chores to do to avoid doing things he didn’t want to. Apparently he would also avoid the annual Orangeman’s parade by spending the day picking Indian paintbrush out of the pasture.

The photographer is also Iranian born.