Because that wouldn’t be a conflict of interest at all...
Because that wouldn’t be a conflict of interest at all...
My husband’s grandfather is Czech. He was forcibly conscripted by the Germans, and defected to the British the first chance he got.
I hear you. I am Canadian and one of the candidates to replace Stephen Harper as the leader of the Conservative Party has said she wants “bring Donald Trump’s exciting message to Canada.”
I read on Twitter that Austria is set to elect a far right party whose leader has said that Islam has no place in Austria.
NeoNazis are now trying to coopt the safety pin. :(
What does he have to say about the Klan victory party?
According to David Frum on election night, the Presidency isn’t actually covered by conflict of interest legislation.
That’s a lovely cutting board.
I am so sorry. :(
I teach at a school in a diverse neighbourhood in North Toronto. Our kids are angry and scared. Wed morning I overheard the word racist, repeatedly in the halls. I overheard an 8 year old in a hijab talking about how Trump hates Muslims, and it made me stop and offer her a hug.
Yeah, but Pence cares about it, and if the rumours about what Eric Trump said to John Kasich are true, Pence will be the one setting the agenda.
Also, as soon as you can stomach thinking about another election. Start preparing for the 2018 midterms. Consider working for a local progressive candidate. Blunt the power of the Republicans if you can.
Hillary is back in the lead in Va.
Cranberry juice may not cure a UTI, but if you drink enough of it, it will give you the runs...
It matters because her husband has been talking tough about illegal immigrants, and it turns out he may be married to one.
I have one. It’s the model with two USB outlets on one face. Very handy.
She had her papers by the time they married. Though if she worked illegally beforehand she got them, those papers are invalid.
What about the evidence that Melania worked in the US without a visa?
Did you hear about the time he showed up at an event for a charity that he didn’t donate to, and just took the seat of a major donor behind the podium?
It was Eric Trump, speaking on behalf of his Dad, who allegedly said that to Kasich.