Weren't there green barrels in Borderlands? When I think of green barrels I imagine them full of toxic sludge, not explosive fire.
Weren't there green barrels in Borderlands? When I think of green barrels I imagine them full of toxic sludge, not explosive fire.
"Goddammit" actually can't be said on network TV even after 10 PM. You hear it on South Park but not on a lot of other things.
Man Brian that is a great photo. It is actually making me tear up thinking back on my childhood Christmases and how all our pictures are just as faded. :)
I haven't gone back to play the game in a long time, but the controls are not something I remember ever having a problem with. But I can see this as an issue where 4-5 years later the controls on other games have influenced your style of play to be more in line with other games. I would imagine it might be similar…
A me and a buddy of mine are putting together our first game on our own. It's a "runner" and all of our characters are hand drawn and we think it is looking really great so far. It is still early in development but we want to share it with the world. You can see it here [www.fancyoctopus.com] Personally I'd really…
This is one of the first things any animator learns. If you can't get up and do the motion you want, in front of a mirror or others, then you shouldn't be animating or trying to explain it to others. I expect no less from Miyamoto or any director for that matter.
Only known photo from when he was 11
@synchronicityii: I meant traditional as in not Kart or a sport game. Yes I forgot Sunshine in that list. Still a short list.
@e_x_i_t: Ditto.
Yeah it's a great point. Is there a "traditional" Mario game to date besides the "Land" series and Mario 64 to not feature Luigi as a playable character? (2nd player or otherwise)
That put me in a good mood. I love when ladies sing in binary.
He shouldn't have to write his congressmen because this already falls under fair use.
I like how it still looks silly even if it is kinda post-apocalyptic. Absolutely loved that game.
I would say their priorities are focused on what would be the more common user experience and not the extreme ends of the spectrum.
@savage: Have you played forza 3? I really think you should give it a shot, especially if you own a 360. All the cars have cockpit views, even the 80's Rabbit GTI, which blew me away as a previous owner of an 85 VW. Brought me back.
Something does not feel right about the hips of #7. I feel like that right butt cheek should be so much lower, although it loses some kind of porn appeal, the rest of the posture just doesn't match it. The rim light and tones are amazing though.
@savage: I don't even like the cockpit view in this game. I have this sinking feeling (from just a few playthroughs) that my surround sound has gotten louder on one side or the other depending on where my guy "might" be seated. And the camera feels so far back and not centered.
@infi: If the cars can flip people are supposed to see it, even if it is the rare occurrence. I can see the argument for no one crying foul at the simpler textures or no inside of the wheel, but images from a scanned model is a big screw up in my book.
@RTYPEpilot: Yeah I noticed the same thing. It is blurry, but it is there.
Man, finally. Should be fun to play this again.