
"a new twist to a new branch of Ubisoft's hit franchise"

Has anyone noticed in the messages on COD:BO it says "COD Multiplayer, free with every copy of Black Ops."? Is this some kind of primer? Is Activision going to enact a plan where multiplayer isn't free at some point?

No, Brian, it did work. :)

@oli3: Probably not, but common scenarios include: they paid themselves too much, hired too many people at too high of prices, bought too many expensive computers and/or useless hardware, too much source material (see games to play in a break room), too many expensive lunches on the company dime, etc.

I didn't know Ignition had a development studio. I thought they were a publisher.

I can't decide which part was my favorite: the stock sound effect for the car crash at the end, or all of the shitty dialogue.

I don't often find myself siding with Activision on stuff, but this release date is nothing more than an ideal holiday release window. All coincidence I am sure. There need to be less worldwide veteran days of recognition spanned out across all the months, then there would be less toe stepping.

Don't know how i feel about the accidental dong the tie is shaping up to be.

@ThursdayNext: Yeah I know what you mean, but until todays argument I hadn't known the risks of legislating, and the risks have less to do with implications on minors or the risk of never releasing adult content again, but instead have more to do with future cases and other media. It is weird to me, that both sides

@ThursdayNext: Which is all well and good, but the complicated bits come in when you ask what the broad terms even mean. What is a "violent game" and who will determine such a thing? Leaving it to the government is then the sticky wicket of stepping on speech, and using the ratings set forth by the ESRB changes them

Wow, go Scalia.

So two big walls are converging at once. 3rd party developers are being pushed out of XBLA contention and forced to share profits with big publishers, and the independent developer is being squeezed off the console, all while our XBL Gold rates go up $10 a year and Microsoft claims huge profits on the service.

@SotSS: I totally agree, BUT: the 8 year old that joined my game was online. They are not my kid and I have no way to force their parents to actually parent.

MindfulStew. No joke. Best gamertag ever.

It is pretty frustrating that movies like "Saw" can subvert their own rating system and be released to a DVD as "unrated" and ostensibly be available to anyone at any age to buy.

@kicking222: But this is the beauty (and ugly beast) of Kotaku. It is not a major publication, it is a blog format where they write about what they are excited about at any time.

@kicking222: But this is the beauty (and ugly beast) of Kotaku. It is not a major publication, it is a blog format where they write about what they are excited about at any time.

@Salen: Ha! I think of this every time someone mentions picasso or paint tubes, now I will think of it when I see minecraft.

candy or not, i want one!