More westernized, like Dark Void. That went well... right?
More westernized, like Dark Void. That went well... right?
Ruffian and DICE have apparently said that having her be chainsawed would take up too much memory and they would rather spend it in other places.
@bakagaijin: agreed
Fuck this.
I thought it was Jose Gonzales at first.
@Alexp987: Did our back and forth turn you into a star commenter? Good show! :)
@Alexp987: I can see where you are coming from. I don't know what documents you have read that I haven't, but I have not seen anything that has led me to believe they were doing anything severely wrong, nor have I read the actual contract they held with Activision. So for all I know, you and I are going back and…
@Alexp987: Just to be clear, my comments about talking on the E3 showfloor had nothing to do with talking specifics and breaking NDA. I meant just talking to some guy from another company in any context. With the right (see: evil) lawyer, they can find a way to turn anything into a case. One missed email can be…
@herogear: Yeah Robert Bowling really flew off the handle on that one. To his credit, he is someone who works at the developer and has passion for his team and his job, and he wanted someone from Treyarch to be able to represent the game made by Treyarch, not someone at the publisher who often don't have the same…
That's great Netflix. Keep pumping out the b-movies onto watch instantly. Give me more Transmorphers and Anaconda 3, truly classics compared to any video game from 1995.
@Alexp987: Missed what point? Their contract was up in October. IW were licensing their software to Activision to use on other products. This is an aggressive power-play maneuver by Activision, it has nothing to do with right and wrong. Right and wrong is in their contract, and even speaking to someone on the…
@herogear: Your response to countingdown7 is correct. GH and WOW did a lot for them, so cod4 and MW2 were like an added bonus.
@0suited: Yeah dude, I am sure you got that right. Something I have learned first hand is that no matter how strong a contract you have, if someone has enough money they will find a way to litigate their way out of their obligations.
Bah... damn slow home internet double posting.
Hmm. His "8 bit" looks way too much like 16 bit. Too many colors. Pretty neat though.
I'll say what I will. This game looked more fun on the showfloor of E3 than Blur did last year, and I am more excited for it still.
Whatever dude, X-2 all the way!!!
Hooray for Dr. Olson!
That's too bad. I would prefer to play as a female character. And I remember them saying similar things about the first one. Oh well, maybe next time.