
@cohaagen: maybe there is a person who reads kotaku who knows, but I thought continuity only dealt with things from shot to shot. where people are standing, where props are placed, etc. I don't think continuity can trump set design, or costumes, etc, for using items in their movies which weren't created until after

@RedThree: I haven't followed him close enough to see him contradict himself, but I will take your word for it. But those contradictions aside, I thought there were interesting ideas presented. And good ideas can come from bad places. :)

I highly recommend reading Playing To Win by David Sirlin.

I guess the filmmakers were too busy dealing with things that mattered.

@yanipheonu: Do you remember The English Patient?

@⌘Z: Yeah you would have caught this, but that doesn't guarantee you would have caught all the things you don't know they did. ;)

@StayAwhileAndListen: I don't place a value in the points themselves. I like the sense of accomplishment in getting achievements in games. It's another outlet for a sense of accomplishment that you would only otherwise get from merely beating the game. Growing up I would do superfluous things in games which would

Still won't sway me away from my achievements. (so addicted.)

I have a question about Heavy Rain. Hoping for spoilers in the reply, so fair warning to anyone reading this.

Makes me want another Toy Commander game. Any other Dreamcast Toy Commander lovers?

What "obligations" did they not honor? Like every developer/publisher deal, they made your game, you got the lion's share.

The Hold Steady. nice. Hope to get more of their stuff on here.

@chuckrich81: I was referring to her age of consent, not his. She was 18. I suppose in most states today, there is nothing illegal about a 17 year old and a 10 year old, right? Except NY, I think. Really I don't spend a lot of my time looking into this sort of thing. ;)

How many more publishers will be adorned with Admiral Viet before the week is over?

@MrNose: maybe. don't know the state laws of where he was at the time, 1980.

@crunks: catholic high school. which was freaky for me as a non-catholic, especially when we all raised our hands to offer safe passage for a group which was traveling to do missionary work. Raising one of our hands up, like we were "heil"ing them.

While gigantic, I think Mandingo still has him beat at 14"

@t4paN: I just realized the best solution... BUY IT USED. Buy all your Activision games used.