
I think the push to put God of War 1 & 2 on Blu-Ray is revolving around the April release of God of War 3, being able to tout GoW as a franchise, and actually allowing the customer to play them now that they have abandoned backward compatibility with the PS2.

Not completely off topic, but I just got a new PS3, and am wondering where the heck are these so-called "premium" avatars? I hate the ones available to me and want to buy new ones, but can't seem to find any to purchase.

@ski_bumm: too bad 300 of those 1,000 cars are different iterations of the Skyline.

"It has bland graphics"

@n00b_pwner: The developers didn't make a full game and dissect it into piecemeal portions to release at intervals. They gave you the complete game and additional content.

That setup makes no sense at all. Flip the door locations and I'm sold. :)

This will prompt the U.N. to ban tentacles and semi-naked women on magazine covers.

@mrantimatter: I guess you will also look forward to it being broken into 3 parts, because there is a 10 minute limit to submitted songs.

The statements of Andrew Szymanski are great advice for getting a job in the US as well as overseas. For anyone who may have skimmed past this section, I highly recommend giving it an attentive read.

It's sad they are breaking tradition and not calling the console "PSthree"

@DigitalHero: I saw the same thing on invoices at Wherehouse Music for Xbox's, Gamecubes, PS2's, and GBA's. All were about $5

@Sullyville: I think that is what their brains would say.

Wait, is this going to need a new balance board?

Some of the shittiest games can still have great concept art. With Grin's track record, we're probably better off without it.