If only it was an auction draft...
If only it was an auction draft...
Featuring Demaryius Targaryen
It's pretty appropriate, since the Pats won't survive if they don't find a way to stop the White Welker.
it's been a few years, but here goes:
No, that was written for her. This is what Frank Luntz has to do for work these days.
Budweiser, looking to capitalize on the invaluable #branding opportunity presented to them yesterday by Peyton…
Where did they get that table, borrow it from the Spanish Announcers of WWE?
By the time the game's over they'll be grapes again.
This guy wishes he had missed a day of work for this.
*Can't get Song 2 out of my head*
Anyone remember in late-90s FIFA video games (think Road to the WC 98) when Ronaldo was so damn good they hid him in the game and called him "Calcio"?
[decides to pray to RG3ESUS]