
By getting griefed, do you mean the PvP system...? Because if you think that’s a griefer’s dream, then you haven’t read a damn thing about this game and you are very uninformed.

For a second there I thought I was on The Root.

I’m usually all for kicking out someone who is being shitty and such, but am I understanding correctly that this was years ago and he has properly apologized multiple times and hasn’t done any of that since apologizing? What’s the point of kicking him off the movie then? What is supposed to be achieved by that?

A wise man once said, and I’m paraphrasing George Carlin here, but go fuck yourself.

Considering that development means constantly prioritizing how you use your resources, they probably just decided it wasn’t worth putting all those resources and specific adjustments to the algorithms (and all the testing that involves) into something that would be extremely rare anyway. It doesn’t fit with the rest

Well, this is 5 miles from where I live

Then maybe JJ should have had answers for Rian? Also he didnt shit over anything.

Counterpoint dude. JJ Abrams basically aped all the story beats of the original and turned in a largely mediocre movie which was only saved by the chemistry of the fresh young leads, Adam Driver as the Anakin Skywalker we deserved, and the surprisingly emotional death of Han Solo.

You literally gave 5 examples ( out of what's about to be 20 films!!) from side characters where the focus isn’t on them...but go off I guess....

Because the Indominus is a base modification of a trex. It had a lot of dna mixed into it, it wasnt JUST trex and raptor. Indoraptor is a base raptor that was mixed with other stuff. Nowhere does it ever say a trex is involved in its dna.

Because the movie is, itself, dumb by its own logic. Know sound is an issue for months, their kid randomly decides to make noise and do nothing. Then they decide to have a baby (cause thatll make no noise), and finally they have a water fall that makes noise to mask theirs... why not live there? Why not blast consent

C’mon. That is a legit awful line. It’s basically “I may be a lesbian but I would bone you, dude.” It only serves to fulfill male fantasy. I bet they also cut Chris Pratt saying “even a lesbian wants me!” as he high-fives the nearest Velociraptor.

Because it’s easy to remember. Your level of pedantry doesn’t serve an article trying to make a quick comparison and move on.

Your analogy is a little off though. It’s more like;

Ugh. This response is such garbage.

The Canto Blite part wasn’t reallya subplot. It was how the movie taught Finn what they were actually fighting for (and against). It gave him necessary character development, to get him to were he needs to be for the next movie.

I think whoever greenlit the script should be given a party for daring to play with the milieu and delve into some self-critical examinations of the standing paradigms of space wizardry.

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