How did they do this? You can only have a party of 4, and rest is done via matchmaking, so how did they ensure they were in the same game?
How did they do this? You can only have a party of 4, and rest is done via matchmaking, so how did they ensure they were in the same game?
But my issue is.... what is there to do? It doesnt seem worth a full price tag. Is there a story? It seems like just go to island, find treasure, fight the same skeletons, upgrade stuff to do the first stuff better. Fun for a few days then move on.
Its a shame because fundementally PUBG is better to me but sadly the Ps4 doesn’t get it. The shooting in Fortnite is just down right awful. The use of bloom. Jesus. It might be some of the worst ive ever seen in a game.
thats exactly what nintendo would do if it was a port..
It means you can download it on either.
Why would Kotaku take someone to court...? You know both “stole” the name by making a variant of Otaku, right? Sony’s actually makes sense. Totaku. Toy Otaku. Toy Geek.
Because it Toy + Otaku. Kotaku did the same thing... Ko (Small) Otaku (Geek).
Or if they took Metriod and made it a FPS where you play as soldiers... oh... wait...
Achievement Hunters lets play of Until Dawn is classic IMO.
I’m not going to say this to defend him but... how much do you know is real? Its a youtube video where stuff is easily staged. Shit look at most reality shows. It’s hardly ever real. Is it really destroying public property if they pay the person to do it? Granted that may not, and probably isn’t, the case. I’m simply…
Almost like its there to reward players?
Not really. GTA Online and Red Dead Online will make much more money than just GTA Online.
They removed mods.
Yeah because his heroic sacrifice to save his friends and loved ones wasn’t a Luke thing to do.
Knights of Ren are the students Kylo took with him from Luke. Snoke didnt notice because he was arrogant. The entire point of the film. He was so focused on Kylos feelings he didnt consider Kylos intent. Kylo moved the saber the same way he moved his. It masked it to Snoke. You can be powerful and arrogant. Look at…
What? Poe is nothing BUT a hotshot in TFA. This film gave him depth and an arc.
Namco hasnt really gone down that road.
Horizon requires you to do nothing outside the story missions. The only difference is Zelda lets you skip bosses and tackle the final boss. Its still the same.
It was an elder scrolls game with 4 story missions you could do in any order than a final boss. Hard to hold your hand when there is nothing to do. Nothing it did was revolutionary, sorry. It just didnt focus on story.
And Zelda wasnt a Ubisoft check list game with map towers?