
It's not about gender ability in writing. It's about gender-experience representation, Jonas who is clearly a guy.

But, "privilege" as used in "white/male/Jedi, etc. privilege" remains true to the actual etymology and meaning of the word. "Privi°lege" means "private°law," which relates nicely to pretty much all the current colloquial meanings of "privilege."

Oh, we're counting the use of F-bombs? In a multi-episode series? That's so cute. Tell me more about what junior varsity is like.

(Sorry, couldn't resist...)


Perhaps that's more fortunate than unfortunate.

For those of us who are on Facebook and Twitter today who have also lost loved ones to heroin overdose regardless of however many people have died that way before them, seeing shit like this is not only totally retraumatizing, but trivializing, insulting, and deeply hurtful.

My brother wasn't stupid. His death wasn't

She was also amazingly supportive.

Only if you're the kind of heathen who uses the term "pop."

Appetite for Communion

It is possible to think that a person is nice and good and has made positive contributions to the world AND be critical of the culture that elevates that person's contributions above the contributions of marginalized groups who have been trying to be heard for decades. It is possible to happy on an individual level

The Wire

Has to be Breaking Bad for me. They told the story they wanted to tell and got out while the show was at the height of its popularity.

Now playing

Macklemore is those cis straight males in Toronto (or any other large urban centre or university town) who will introduce themselves as an "ally" and "feminist". I can't with these basic minds and it's merely a continuation of a beautiful tradition that precedes van Vechten and his lot. Also, why do people go gaga for

Now playing

Mary is exceptional. This is the song she turned her small lyric into:

Your "living legend" passed out of pop culture viability years ago and needs to learn how to retire gracefully and accede the floor to the young women who are coming up now. She had her moment. It was Mary's moment tonight, or should have been.

And your bullshit statistics are so nonexistent that it's obvious you're just another ignorant, race baiting coward. Jesus Christ, are you really so fucking lazy you can't even google crime statistics? And news flash dipshit: conviction rates and actual crime commission statistics are not the same thing. But here's a

I'm not anti-gay, but I don't think they should get married.

Are you really going to compare use of the N word by a white racist and by a black rapper. Really, tho