
I don't think it's about what she wears, although lord knows there are plenty of bloggers out there ready to criticize. It's the twee, MPDG trope that she repeatedly embodies with the roles she's played. I know, I know, it's not like she's being offered very many dark dramatic pieces and tends to be typecast, so my

Good. I feel bad saying that, but Moffat is SO BAD at writing and directing women that I wouldn't want him touching a woman Doctor with a ten foot pole. Look at the absolute stupid bullshit he pulled with Amy, River and the incredibly forgettable Clara. They need to get rid of Moffat, STAT. The last season was so

It was in the season 4 premiere— when Buffy and Willow are buying their text books for school, Buffy comments on the price and how when her mom gets the bill, she "hopes it's a funny aneurysm."

Ah yes, the "You don't know anything about him!" tactic. Bit rich coming from people who - judging by last year's "Obama ate dog!" arglebargle - have only just got round to reading the early chapters of Dreams from My Father.

No, "only those who live in ivory towers" can choose "security"!

Let's say that you are poor and thus can't live in the safest and nicest neighborhood but want to get better so you go get a job. Now, in order to have a better work position, you need stay working late and finish stuff and turns out people are shallow

Pro tip: Women also get raped in non-slutty clothes.

Those historic sites would all still be there if the royal family lost its privileges. And more would be accessible to the public if there weren't nobs living there. Chances are the royal family isn't going to be doing anything of any lasting historic significance ever again.

What shocks me is how unsafe people feel with the truly low crime rate this country has had for the last decade. To put it in perspective, there were around 16,500 homicides last year out of 316,668,657 people. That gives me an almost 1 in 20,000 chance of being murder. You know, I can live with those odds without

I can't watch the video on my iPhone well, but I read some transcript:

Calm down, as Paula Deen explained, N***ers are often the target of harmless and hilarious jokes...

And even though the movie was filmed in New Mexico where American Indian artisans abound, they had to go with a Lakota Sioux?

Having testified in a number of my own court proceedings when I was a teenager (witness, never defendant) , my answer to your question is this.

I had this same exact conversation with someone at work, who said he was 'conflicted' about how he should feel about her because her demeanor seemed so 'off.'

This came across on Twitter via Kristen Bell aka Veronica Mars. 'Wendy of the House Davis'.

Ok...but like seriously, can we stop pretending that "everyone is racist everywhere" because, for realz, the south has a muhfuckin problem.

Minor bitching: you can be a larger size and be in great shape. You can also be skinny and be in danger of a heart attack.

His sweetness in itself is tear-inducing.

That's what it's all about, isn't it?