
Her latest status update:

I always liked this card. I always thought it was a powerful idea.

Make up your mind :P

*points and laughs*

Why do you guys insist on trying to make the Wii U seem (technically) equal to or better than the PS4 and XBO? We get it, Nintendo games look and play great, but they aren't as demanding as the other games coming out.

Wait... isn't a forward slash... just a slash?

I got a polite message just for you, Nintendo.

But I'm only offensive with my friends :(

Boo! Get with the times, Nintendo!

My wife had issues with her group mate before, other than her there were 2 other people in the group, the guy was great, met when they planned 2, answered emails and general pulled his weight, the girl on the other hand...

The Joker wasn't happy, either.

Puritan work ethic. The country was founded upon the idea that, if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything. Somewhere around the Industrial Revolution, the theory got reversed: if you don't achieve anything, you simply haven't been working hard enough. There's a stigma associated with needed outside