
... Mario Balotelli is your favourite player in the world?

For more of these, lookup THE specialist, El chino Recoba.

God I love when Madrid loses..

I love the way his face just lights up.

"The problem with <insert mundane thing that has no impact in anybody's life whatsoever>".

... I thought this was gonna teach me new "mental models".

I really don't get this "When a woman gets drunk she stops doing stuff she likes and therefore, everything is against her will" fad.

Oscars are for performance, not for the color of your skin or what lies between your legs. Stop crying.

Whoa... all the comments are in the form of "LET'S NOT COMDEMNN THIIIS BECAUSE WE ARE WORSE!"!", are you kidding me??

I can only imagine the outrage if roles were reversed

I suck at writing. I can tell apart good writing to terrible writing (because mine is the later).


Everybody is a liar until proven truthful.

"It's still true that very, very few rape accusations are false."

Every game company also has the right to make or not to make whatever game they want. You can always play another game.

Dude, Juve - Torino, Roma - Inter.

Why would you want to talk about sports if you don't like them?

I know what you mean and I agree, but phrases like these:

I think that always thinking about "What productive stuff could I be doing right now?" is one of the shortest paths to mental illness, stress, etc.

Kinda off-topic question.