
I don't know but I know what sucks: Beats by Drapple.

I don't know but I know what sucks: Beats by Drapple.

I'm an indecisive type according to this.. but to be honest I'm just lazy as fuck.

Wait the US sucks at baseball? How is that possible?

Poor women.

... So?

That would be the funniest shit ever, I won't care tho, and I'm sure most people will not either, it still isn't gonna get people to consider LoL and DOTA "sports" at the same level as Football or Gymnastics or Basketball, there's just no way. You can stretch that definiton of "sports" as much as you want, and the IOC

Except what is and isn't "legal" is getting more and more stretched everyday to suit the needs of some people.

This is creeepy as fuck both because of the guy and google.

... That was terrible.

There's a reason you call e-Sports "e-Sports" and not just "Sports" man.. they're not real sports. And that's the reason why there's Kotaku and Deadspin.

dude that's cool and all but we're talking sports here.

" your limited intellect to select the proper choice."

You didn't really type all that... did you?

Wow you so fucking awesome you're able to know if somebody is a MRA without knowing them! You're a true jezebel warrior.

That's the only thing you can say to deffend your "point"? Ad hominem? Yeah... I forgot I was in Jezebel.

I don't really understand why "stating your opinion" became to be known as "trolling" but hey...
And well in that case yeah it's cool, it's not a waste of time at all... it's still weird an boring o.o

This movie sucks. Megan Fox sucks even more, she's so damn terrible I couldn't believe my eyes when watching Jennifer's Body, seriously, that has to be the WORST thing I've ever seen in a long time on the big screen.

Yeah and we will gonna have to edit forms everyday and stuff because the "genders" of tomorrow aren't the same "genders" of today and not editing them will be "offensive" to somebody who identifies as something that makes absolutely no sense but they have a right because "human sexuality and gender identity is far

The fuck is this

Dude, chill.