
I dunno, I'm a young woman and I quite enjoy being stared at and checked out by guys. Is that really that unusual?

If written by Tolstoy: Warren Pieces

The title and tone of this story really bothers me. The author focuses on what an idiot Zimmerman's girlfriend is to take him back instead of focusing on how hard it can be for a woman trying to leave a domestic violence situation. Jezebel claims to be a pro women, feminist website, but this article along with a lot

Seriously? This is textbook behaviour of an abuse victim who may be fearing that if she doesn't recant she will face further violence and/or is caught up in the social isolation and violence cycle of domestic violence. This is not the time for bullshit jokey victim blaming.

Diane also goes around the country throwing temper tantrums when men try and open the door for her. She has abortions at eight months and three weeks. And she files false rape complaints by the score.

John C. Wallstreet, wealthy white financial dude, is accused of filming himself screwing the American economy up, down, and sideways, in the privacy of his own office. His attorney said Mr. Wallstreet had a sort of exemplary background, apart from one or two past bailouts and a few fiscal peccadilloes. The American

Silly dude. If he wanted to tape people without their knowledge or consent, why didn't he just get a job with the government?

Lol I totally refer to my crotch as my private area.

Uh. No. That is not how it works. Just because you exist in public does not mean people get to take photos of areas that would normally be covered by your clothing. Wearing a skirt is not the same as walking down the street in a bikini. A woman in a skirt has the reasonable expectation that no one is going to see her

Whenever there's a post about one of these women's dress code memos on Above the Law or other law blogs, some male commenter pops up with the complaint "yeah, but I have to wear a tie every day."

Agree... The way skip speaks about if it was their daughter to use it as a "opportunity" to see how they developed. What the hell? All I could think was the hunger games.... Let the odds be forever in your favor....