
None of the women in the article are making "upwards of tens of thousands of dollars a month."

Depending on the economic circumstances that led to that choice, or even that leads to taking two or three jobs at a time, yes, sometimes we do.

Maybe read the article and see what the women have to say about their feelings on the situation before saying whether they are or are not "victims." Which is not a word anyone is using here but you.

I do not know how your particular center received referrals. I am really happy to hear about so many successful adoptions, but I really hear you about older kids getting adopted.

Open adoptions are a very new thing. I have read the research about regret over adoption, and I personally knew (although not very well) a woman who attempted suicide about seven years after a closed adoption. For some women, it may not be the "end of the world" but it causes serious psychological problems for many,

You keep personalizing things. It is offensive, and condescending, regardless of whether you "sugar vacate" your beliefs or not, to tell someone that you know better than they do how they would or do feel. If you do not understand this, you have serious problems with comprehension and boundaries.

It isn't due to a lack of ease of adoption, it is due to people not wanting non-white, older and/or disabled children. For having an adopted sibling, you seem to know jack about adoption.

Condescension is something you do, not something you think in your head. You are absolutely being condescending if you tell someone you know their feelings better than they do, and you know that they made a wrong decision because they would have loved the nonexistent children.

You are way out of line with that comment. Seriously, way out of line.

Most of the pictures are from late-term miscarriages, not abortion. If you look at photographs of living embryos in the first trimester, they are not very complex. Also, clusters of cells, including partial-molar pregnancies, can have heartbeats but never, ever become a baby. According to separate heartbeat laws,

Have you ever been pregnant? Because I have. It was a wanted but unplanned pregnancy, I was young and healthy, it was a normal pregnancy, and it was AWFUL.

The point is that on the whole, women are better than men at road marching. In my experience, a 75-lb pack is atypical, although I get that the desert/body armor/weapons change that, although I would distinguish between a 75 lb pack and gear, since you carry it differently if the weight is distributed.

My understanding is that while you can get military people arguing on both sides of the issue (women in combat/women in elite units, that is) usually congress is the hold up. There are a lot of people, including former special forces guys, who are either very pro or very con. I am guessing enough of the pro faction

Although it always bugged me that the actress was not Latina, and pronounced Dios wrong, as "Die-os." I mean, Dios Mio is a pretty easy phrase to master.

Actually, my asthmatic sister was the best at rucking in her army unit, women are actually really good at ultralong running/hiking/backpacking events. For some ultralong walking, better than men.

Speaking as someone who is ex-military, the standards often have little to nothing to do with fitness. In the sense that people who excel at them are generally very fit, they are accurate, but others who do not may be as fit/more fit.

Absolutely. I completely support it being an option. I also wish they would reconsider the fitness standards, because I question them.

Plenty of shy guys expect women to do housework, too. I think the OP's point, which still stands, is that most of y'all shirk. Good for you that you don't (or think you don't), but that doesn't solve all of the problems. Not everyone is a good partner, including really good people.

I was at a service Academy, and I know one woman who I am confident could do it, and 2-3 who probably could. The one was a shot-putter who could also run, the 2-3 were gymnast/cheerleader types. That was out of about 4,000 people, but granted, I didn't know everyone. The woman who could now has an injury that would

If you look at the demographics, men who join the American armed forces are more likely to hold traditional, sexist views of women, and sexual harassment and abuse tend to come from those views. Both men and women who join the American armed forces have higher rates of child abuse and prior sexual abuse. Since