
I agree, that was easily the best part of the Carol Burnett show. Just thinking about the part where Tim Conway plays Don Jr trying to open the door cracks me up!

The Logan Act prohibits unauthorized persons from engaging in negotiations and representing that they are acting on behalf of the US government. They were free to talk to foreign governments but they could not officially represent or negotiate in any capacity. While I am sure it will eventually come to light that they

Words have meaning and consequences, especially when reporting news in the current political environment. One word can change the entire narrative of a story. Here that one word is the difference between collusion (breaking the law) and poor policy (breaking tradition).

This needs more stars!

Cracked is a wonderful synonym for fractured, just saying.

I’m failing to see how Wick got a pass. He killed someone in the Continental and he has been excommunicated from the establishment and all its perks. When Ms. Perkins killed on Continental grounds she wasn’t immediately killed when it happened, she was later determined to have broken the rules and summoned to another

Went to hell? His form was awful from the get go! He immediately arched his back and slouched his shoulders.

FUCK YOU! is a powerful drug that masks all pain.

Yeah, man. Saw these guys open for Testament back in high school.

Then you’ll have a chance to tell them your opinion of their history and culture. Hopefully, you will be willing to listen to what they have to say.

Please be sure to tell that to the next Tongan or Samoan you meet.

This “rivalry” goes back for centuries. The oral histories of Samoa and Tonga acknowledge that the Tongans captured and enslaved the Samoan people for hundreds of years.