
Yeah, and the ones I tried were not really helpful either...I use excel atm, for the last 6 months. Works better than anything :(

It is not only overweight people, it is everybody who does not fit into the usual stereotype boxes. I mean, I got told that I am both too pretty to be clever, and that I am too plainfaced to be attractive so I had to be a nerd. I also remember that my husband got told that he must be gay because he cares about women's

Thing is...I work in NZ...with a Canadian...she went to the same school as Ryan...I got treated to very sweet teeny rumors of teen Ryan...

The best is, big pharma hates vaccines, because they are so cheap and they lose out on the long term medications needed for the long term side effects of the disease.

Mumps is already partying with whooping cough because of their comebacks.

Family member died of measles, so...yeah, just a rash. She was only 11. (I am an old, and she died when I was 6, so, don't tase me, bro. )

Titer = antibody count

I learned of Orthorexia being a very real eating disorder which was sadly not yet classified during my undergrads at University, in the same course where we covered Anorexia, bulimia, restrictive eating, and calorie counting obsessions. Which was...10 years ago? So just because it is not officially classified by slow

I got knee and thigh-shamed by my mom from age 12 on (too thin and bony until 19, too female, cottage cheesy and big since then), which basically means I have a couple of skirts but never, ever wear them. I cannot. I am okay with leggings, and I rock my Black Milks, but glory Nope on a throne, I do not like wearing

I got quite a lot of side eyes in my lab in NZ because the F-bombs fall wherever I go...After They asked me to not do it, I went back to swear in German. Scheisse, Verdammtnochmal.

I was 9...and I was stripped and chased over the courtyard by 12 year old boys where I lived when I was 6. Yay. And guess what? I got house arrest, because the neighbor saw me, not the boys who chased me.

I thought so, too, but then I remembered some of the #whyistayed tweets, and damn...This is more difficult than we happily living in our save bubble can actually understand.

Remade the poached egg thing, but with a sunny side up instead. Including the pepitas and the chives. I regret nothing!

You mean the wild chicken in the vegan chicken burger?

I have suffered for 3 years with an ileal ulcer. Side effects were dramatic weight loss, severe bloating, and constant pain (like pouring vinegar over a shredded knee or cut). Their diagnoses over three years? I have to eat more, I am depressed, I have IBS because of depression, I imagine things because of depression,

Or make sure every anti-vaxxer gets rubella and mumps at the same time, because they can induce infertility. No kids to not vaxinate!

I love essential oils...for my bathtub. Duh.

I have one thing I have a problem to wrap my thoughts around something. If there is an oppressed group, say...POC. And in 99% of the jobs, they show a *hidden* preference for caucasians. And in one job, they state a clear *POC preferred*, is that racism?
I actually thought that you, by definition, cannot be racist

Nice and complicated words, let me translate so the GOP is able to understand the bills:

Satire is hard to understand if you are unable to think on your own :(