
I just turned 13, and leggings were in, together with baggy sweaters. My mom did not understand the craze, and I was not completely sure either...and I left the house with a see-through legging in baby blue and a very long (just above the knee), knitted blue sweater.
Since I was already the butt of all jokes, my

And despite all the awesome music she made, all the awesome things she said, the only thing society remembers is that horrid swan dress she once wore. Talk about gender steretypes and objectification. Sighs.

At the same time, I have just read a paper on how women have a significant lower pain threshold, aka feel pain more intensely, and are yet less likely to be treatedas well as treated correctly for said pain, because society kind of thinks that women deserve to feel more pain, or a hysteric.
Does anyone else think that

I have just read that the correct medical term for miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion". So...well...I would actually like to get that term to be used more often, so that more people actually think about the pain, loss and hopelessness that is involved in BOTH cases of abortion.
But then, I have also read horrid

"Opinions about abortion are like nipples. The women's are more important, but all we get to see are men's." -Someone on twitter who deserves the nobel prize in journalism or something.

Nom, if it also has extra garlic, bacon and capers.

My name is too long, and I am a pizzaholic, too. I do not even feel ashamed. I even financed my university with making pizzas. And them fueled my addiction with homemade dough. My health advisor got me on wraps and lebanese bread as base...but it does not help. I crave for my next shot...anchovy, tuna and olives

I used to work as a pizzabaker to finance my studies in the health sciences. And guess what?
I still eat delicious, wholesome, and quick pizza like this sucker here (last week).

Well the nazi also aborted jewish people, gypsies, people of color, Polish, russians, slavs, people of different opinion, homosexuals and communists. Sometimes decades after they were born. So unless the bill wants to do the same, please refrain from comparing one with the other, thank you.

Variety is the secrest: Porridge with honey, walnuts and pears, or porridge with chocolate bits, almonds and banana, With applesauce and cinnamon. Or for the edgy: (without milk!) porridge with water, salt, tomatoes and poached egg.

Wholemeal toast, pepitas, sunflower seeds, poached eggs, tomato and chives. This will be my breakfast tomorrow. It looks like eggs benedict without the benedict.

I understand these players, because I once was part of such a community, one that brought people closer together, even from continents apart. I watched one player grow up, from 12 years old, to 21. I remember weddings, online and in real life, friendships which still hold, and the oldest player I met was 72, and the

Love your post, but I would prefer "pretties" instead of "uglies" . There is already enough genital shaming going on.

I personally like drin instead of drink. I guess the k had too many calories.

Additionally, I bet my pretty much non-existent income that a similar story has been written by women times and times over, but have not deserved to be published, or deemed unnecessary to make a movie about, because, you know, it is a womens book, about womens stuff, you know, girly. With a title like "flowers in the

...A dog understands the rule "look, but do not eat", but a man cannot. So women should not serve the food for the dog err, dress comfortably because a man might look and act on it?

I had to cut my mom out of my life for a few years, because she was just unhealthy for me. The constant niggling and sneaky, passive aggressive criticisms, and the benevolent sexism I got from her did affect me so much, I was constantly doubting myself and everything I did, from what I ate, how I dressed, to who my

I am unsure. In NZ, the defense has to prove that not only did the victim not consent to a 100%, but that the perpetrator was 100% sure that the victim did not consent. Which is why no rapist you knew (BF, GF, family/friend, ex-partner...) was ever convicted in NZ.

The most annoying sentence?