
I went to Tokyo last year and thought I was well prepared. Did my research, learned key phrases off by heart and only when I got there did I realise that I forgot to learn Japanese for disposable chopsticks... super embarrassment! The only other thing that took me a little while to get used to was the trays for

An Apple product... Ever hear of Jonathan Ive having a hand in that and many other Apple products? He's British by the way.

Well I watched the rejection ending and it was certainly an improvement on the 'whoops you waited too long to make a decision and lost' message that once appeared.

The Game stores around here (Dorset) do, or rather did. Put £5 down as a deposit then pay the difference when the game is released.

Well give it a couple of weeks and those two bunnies would have eaten all the weird grass and shagged their way into providing limitless amounts of food for the kids in the shape of their offspring.

I swear that an advert for this ran right after that morning's edition of Live and Kicking and since Sarah Greene was famous for Going Live (another Saturday morning kid's magazine show that I'm sure ended the previous year) I was allowed to stay up and watch it with my younger sister. I must have been twelve and

Bingo. Sorry everyone, would have replied earlier but got sidetracked trying to get the dishwasher working and trying to stop the Reapers from taking over the galaxy.

Does he mean BP rather than British Petroleum?

Wow. I used to have a recurring dream where I was in a canoe exploring a ruin with friends and we were set upon by man-eating M&M's and nerdz (tiny sour sweets).

I replayed Mass Effect this past week for the first time since 2008 and happily remembered loving this simple tune, a mix of hope and awe for the future. Started on ME2 again and was thrilled when it showed up on Horizon.

I thought it was a ground retreat that was called not the fleet? Not to mention how did the team managed to get picked up directly under Harbinger's nose/front-mechatenticle unscathed and surely we should be seeing some other ships in hyperspace with the Normandy as well?

Speaking of Lost, didn't they record an additional post-series scene/epilogue at a Dharma factory with Ben explaining some previously unexplained stuff and more or less giving an update on what is currently happening on the Island?

Oh by the gods yes!

But Cerne Abbas is in Dorset?

I really hope the safety word is perestroika.

Now playing

Played by fairly well known actress Celia Imrie if I'm not mistaken. She played Gertrude Groan in the BBC adaptation of Gormenghast back in 2000, as well as Miss Babs in Acorn Antiques.

Pink is the pre-heresy colour of the Emperor's Children isn't it?

The one in the middle of the picture just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe its the tiny wig on a furred creature, or because he appears to have been attacked with a can of blue spray paint? Or that he seems to have the look of the villainous wolf from 'Around the World with Willy Fog'? No, it's the certain knowledge

Nope that's the M25.

This is odd. I get in and find an email from HMV telling me that they've just dispatched a metal Codemasters paperweight - which is odd since they sent it to me two years ago. Ten minutes later, I see Codemasters themselves have been hacked.