Isabelle Turner

That's really cool, thanks!

That's a good one! At this rate I'm going to have to do a sequel!

Thanks for all the help, its really appreciated!

He certainly did! Unfortunately we only had a limited amount of space, so couldn't include everything we wanted to.

Hi Larissa, unfortunately we couldn't include everything that we wanted to. If we had the infographic would have been 10X as big!

Bonus points for providing a source! Cheers!

Fantastic, thank you!

Thanks for the compliments! I'll have to have a dig around about waterbeds, thanks for the heads up!

1 internets to you sir! Thank you!

Thanks for pointing out the typos everyone! I'm working on fixing them right now.

Hi! While I'm no expert, I can recommend the documentary Bruce Almighty for advice on how to get dogs to pee outside instead of on chairs.

Well spotted! I'll fix that asap. Cheers!

Hi Everyone! Feel free to shoot me any questions and I'll do my best to answer them!