
Tomorrow at thanksgiving lunch -over turkey- I'm going to say "I am thankful for 'oar-sim.'"


From my vast single wikipedia paragraph of research, it seemed kinda frivolous.

Ehh, I could see how it might be boring/uninspired if you cooked it on every major holiday or every couple of weeks, but my family only cooks one on Thanksgiving every year. The same way we traditionally cook a sirloin roast around Christmas every year. A lot of my friend's families cook the same dish every

Are these your relatives(?):

1). Cheap as dirt

You and your reading comprehension.

int numPepperArticles = 2;

The internet is getting so mainstream.

Don't have any citations but I read on reddit that gas masks are seen by police as instigating a riot. I'm guessing because you're expecting do something that will warrant the use of tear gas and because the hiding your face thing.

BAAAH! I thinks Gawker not letting me add the whole link.

Whoops. I give up trying to link to the section. It's the phase 3 one.

Ah come on, use the original meme!

The US government disagrees:

Currently, yes but in 2016 when the new emissions standards kick in requiring a company's lineup of cars to average 42mpg?

Hot damn that thing is sexy! Would like to see a price drop but man I hope that's where market is headed.

Why? Splain yourself?

Such a classic. They should have been awarded a pulitzer for that article alone.

Next comes the emissions standards, a la the end of the 20th century muscle car era.