



When will there be a RED DAWN game? There's something I'd like to play.

White feminine pads.

What the f?! Good find! I'm surprised I haven't seen this on any of the news outlets. Not that the original video was anything worth defending but now it's just a big fat lie.

Why would Microsoft want to merge with Apple?

Well lets start off with my left leg. Everyone is always offering that one first anyway. Then the testes because we all know this beast creates enough testosterone for the entire cast of The Expendables. Then probably the right leg. I can always option it out for some button trickery. Next the left arm. Who needs one

Well Rush was where I originally heard about the video, so yeah. I just wanted to link to a source that folks around here wouldn't complain about being biased.

I apologize. I went and re-watched the video and all he says is that that NPR does not have the kind (zionist) of influence that newspapers have. What I said before was incorrect.

CNN didn't mention it in the article but he also claimed the media is being controlled by "the Jews"

That's not what the "underhanded dealings the republican/tea party are willing to sink to" that's the kind of dealings of one person who is in no way affiliated with an otherwise very openly biased organization is willing to sink to.

This guy wasn't some nobody at NPR, he was the VP of Fundraising. All of NPR's revenue comes from fundraising activities. So if the survival of the NPR depends on people like Rondald, wouldn't they choose someone that best represented the organization and it's goals?

No, for every intelligent person that calls in there's a 3 more that are either too nervous to speak, make absolutely no sense, or try to advertise some stupid website and get booted off. But those are probably just actors trying to make the rest appear genuine right?

Might want to check out what NPR has been up to lately:

This, this, also that, and that.

I always assumed it was just a purchase agreement.

I've always wondered what's stopping Netflix from making bulk orders of the delayed new releases from Amazon or Walmart?

The sad part is that's probably his real name.