@crazypills77: You know, I never thought about it like that. Thank you kind person for enlightening me with such a skillful argument.
@crazypills77: You know, I never thought about it like that. Thank you kind person for enlightening me with such a skillful argument.
Might be useful after some tweaking... I'm looking at you Hackintosh!
@Ashaleeeee: Flip it over.
@Squalor: HA! Everyone knows that Diamondillium is the hardest!
@vogonpoetry: My bad dude! Didn't mean to steal your thunder.
@Iowa11: Dangit. Looks like vogonpoetry had the same idea a few posts down. Great minds think alike!
@njdevil: Why wait?!
@Robotronic: It's not.
@Nipple Juice: That's the beauty of physics! It doesn't care what your opinion is!
@kozi: Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
@hostile-17: See number 1:
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Whoops. Dark purple looks just like black on my laptop.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: No way. Is winmo really that far ahead?
I was under the impression that the federal government was always about 7 years ahead of the private sector in terms of technology? Maybe that stereotype only applies to the military but aren't they usually sharing the same tech?
@BeowulfRex: I read that in the voice of Donbot.