
@Alluvian: Its sad but sometimes cutting back is necessary in funding crisis. I do think that police/schools/military, times when lives or futures are in jeopardy, should be cut last.

@Alluvian: It's a shame they don't get the funds they need. But increasing the amount of tickets issued strictly too pay bills isn't going to solve the problem. It's a temporary solution and a poor one at that.

@shooter: I do not hate law enforcement officers, quite the contrary, I think they are usually some of the most upstanding citizens and are doing a job that no one else will do. BUT I strongly disagree with their method of fundraising and their overall demeanor by which they go about enforcing the law. I really don't

@Alluvian: Then have them ask for more funds. My life isn't long enough to waste it sitting on the side of an empty interstate for doing 4 over.

@Wwhat: The study was performed independently with funding from The Federal Reserve Bank of Arkansas. The data was collected from counties in North Carolina.

@Bill Clinton: It definatly happens with too many today. I really wish it wasn't like that. We should be confident that something is going to work when we buy it.

@Bill Clinton: That's true. I guess what I was trying to say is you shouldn't have to do something that would void your warranty.

"...the library's digital storage system... a tape library with 37,500 slots, each able to store 1TB of data. "That's 37 petabytes. As far as we know, this is the largest digital preservation operation in the world." "

This may have been mentioned before but a big turn off for me with the iPhone is that it requires you to use AT&T. I know you can jailbreak it but a product shouldn't need be completely overhauled in order to work properly.

Yes, I do feel bad for the birds.

@woodicw: Oops, my mistake. I assumed after reading the article that he was pulled over. (speed cameras were banned where I live)

Good, they had it coming. Being pulled over should never be routine. They should need to have a legitimate reason not just "you were getting pretty close to the center line there" or "what are you doing out so late?" 95% of traffic violations are because that cop was having a bad day/needed to make quota for that

Double post

@ilovetofu: Thank you for your comment and your wisdom!