
If you smoked a cigar and then drank a glass of whole milk and then burped - that is the taste of sea urchin.

Six of ten.

You are called an apologist for the African-American community when you step on the toes of "white" America, yet I have read columns in which you excoriate the community - or elements in it - for reinforcing negative stereotypes. Is it frustrating to be labeled an "angry black sportswriter" when - to my eye - you call

Hines Ward: There is nothing wrong with that scenario if the Redskins are playing the Green Bay Packers.

Fahrenweight 451

1. Jeffrey Loria - Manages to screw municipalities, fans, and players with equal aplomb.

Quirky story PLUS graphic design by Olivia Munn.

Nicely done.

"Jay Wright will resign tomorrow after reveling that he got a coed pregnant."

I read the original Bleacher Report Journalismism story when it was posted, but just linked to Ley's "sausage" story and found your reply. Please accept my belated compliment to your series of posts - very nicely done.

Its value is recognized by a select group of indivuduals.

With the retirement of Sheets, the Atlanta Braves complete the circle that was started in 1984 when they drafted Dennis Hood.


Run and cut.

The parrot is at 3:06.

I don't understand why NFL fans are so upset. The human element has always been a revered part of officiating in professional sports.

At least it isn't Barstow.
