More like "cue alarmists who think they're "sticking it to the man" by making racy comments about Company X suing"....which they rarely, if ever, do.
More like "cue alarmists who think they're "sticking it to the man" by making racy comments about Company X suing"....which they rarely, if ever, do.
Waste shit and steal food from your hosts? I'll get right on that.
Maybe it's just me, but I wasn't really a fan of Appleseed, mainly due to the animation style but the story really didn't do anything for me either.
Uhhhh, no, incorrect.
Or maybe because you're at work you should be, you know, working.
I know, her best scene was at the end of Seeing Red. I could watch that one all day....
You're right, Seth McFarlane wrote a pretty funny and raunchy show for a while, had it canceled, became Fox's bitch and now just makes money on selling out to them. Seth Green on the other hand was a pretty likeable character, though I agree the makeup was pretty terrible.
I'm not gonna lie; watching all these people with $1200 Macbook Pros with their fingers in their mouths asking "Can I has Diablo 3 too?" is extremely entertaining. It makes me giggle.
I'm pretty sure the ability to download the Mac client should have given you a positive indication.
Proving once again that hell is other people.
"Like" a business. These people are not your friends.
Wii continually try to Kinect with a broader gaming audience, in essence making a move to get as many people to play games as watch movies. Unfortunately, as gaming expands it also pulls in the waste and lower efforts of the medium just as movies have their Twighlights, Transformers, and other blatant cash grabs, as…
Late 2011 w/ 8GBs RAM and the AMD 6750 512MB card, looks and plays fine with no hiccups.
Wavebird beyond question.
Played for about 4 hours until the server just randomly booted me off. Probably time for bed anyway...
Iwent to sleep, woke up, created my DH and named her, then went to work. good times.
I'm not sure why people don't understand that the servers get HAMMERED by millions of people at 12:01am. There's not really a lot they can do, besides buying up huge amounts of servers farms that will go unused in 2 days one everyone calms down.
The firewall from the sky still falls, Diablo 3 has not yet fully launched.
X-Men: Legends (PS2/Gamecube/Wii) and the basically sequal Marvel Ultimate Alliance (1 and 2), think they're on all three. It's the same hack and slash ARPG, but you're Mutants and Marvel superheroes.