
There's also a miconception that all aggression and conflict is bad; they're not. It's how you cope with it and react to it that the problem for a lot of people. It's great to hammer out some God of War when I'm stressed or in a bad mood, a lot better than going to the bar and picking a fight.

Articles like this both make me really happy and deeply sadden me. It's great that's been successful and lives her life the way she wants to and even better that she's been accepted for doing it. It also saddens me, because reading these comments, it show how drastically far people need to come. It's not "sick,"

Huh, I read that as " developers no time "to improve quality".

Samurai Champloo

You are not fit to have Mr. Zurkon as a pre-order exclusive. Mr. Zurkon will free himself from your pathetic coding and kill puny aliens. Mr. Zurkon hates you.

@rebeldevil: Unfortunately, they're correct.

@Keyboard_lime2: I'm not sure a roll would help you here....learn your drugs better?


Ultimate frisbee, catching up on Game of Thrones, maybe some Uncharted 2 multiplayer and Transformers.

You are correct sir, thanks!

Can you even go to google maps in Safari on the iPhone? I though it just forced you into the maps app.

Gawker mobile has always and will always suck....terribly.

Option 1 - take butter out before you need to use it

It's the iPods/iPhones that are really making them bank; in the portable music space Apple rules.

You realize that there's no real difference between what he believes and what you believe, right? You're just arguing semantics of a fairy tale.

That's religion for you....everyone's crazy except us.

So wait, he's not a "real" christian because you disagree with him? What makes your christianity more authentic? Seems like someone should have told you guys to build your houses on rock, not sand.