I don't think anyone every claimed he was a religious leader.
I don't think anyone every claimed he was a religious leader.
Right, because people who practice Western religions are huge hypocrites.
Getting high and gaming? Guess that's not really a weird habit.
Haven't we all learned that you need aliens and refrigerators to make a Nazi movie these days? I see neither hinted at here.
And using homophobic slurs makes your argument totally invalid.
Poor little guy.
Right, because pregnancy is the only reason to wear a condom...
"Hey, how are you?"
I can think of some other things I could do online for free that would kill 5 minutes and make me feel less dirty about myself.
Are you....kidding me? Go to the library, people are supposed to be quiet there. If you want somewhere to look out the window, drink your coffee, and work, do it at your house.
(shrugs) Same as movie sequels....If the original warrants it (Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Uncharted, Batman:AA) then yes, I do want to see a sequel. Unfortunately, just like movies, sometimes the follow up doesn't quite rise to the occasion of the original (Metroid Prime: 2, Pikmin 2).
Huh, I've been largely ignoring the downtime since I just moved and started a new job with the gf helping me get everything set up, but was hoping for some online multiplayer this weekend. Guess it will be drunk Mario Kart.
Yeah, I'm not really sure where the "cost" is there, I feel like the administrative back-end on Make a Wish is being grossly overinflated.
Looks good, I 'll have to check it out. Let the Right One In was an amazing movie (I foolishly watched Let Me in after - pale in comparison).
Have you seen the show (Game of Thrones) yet?
Oh wow, I didn't realize it was actually a book. I'll have to check it out, I would also recommended the princess bride, excellent book.
Sweet, everyone's reading what I am! I made it through the 4th a few years ago, but am going back through because I don't remember it that well and want to finish the series. The Wastelands is pretty good, you'll enjoy iy.
Commented above that I had just finished the trilogy. They are pretty good, but shit gets massively out of control in the third book. Enjoy.