
@blaquestarr.briefs: Yeah, I felt pretty bad when I moved out of my gfs place and took my plasma and wii with my. I gave her my gamecube, Mario Kart:DD and Pikmin 2, but yeah, still felt like an ass for making her game on her old 25" tube TV. I can't imagine going back to standard def.

@Afrocass: Just curious, how do you deal with games saves with that setup? I'm assuming you don't designate games for certain rooms. I'd like to have a similar setup in the future (when I get some more money/out of debt) but ha always wondered about that.

In my living/dining/bed room. God I hate my studio, good thing I'm significantly upgrading my housing situation soon. At that point, I'll probably have my PSWii setup downstairs with my PS2 (and possibly wii, we'll have 2 in the apartment) upstairs in my room.)

"Son of a...gun"

@hoocli: I live in a city with a metro...honestly, I can't imagine being someone who lives 30 minutes outside the city and spending hours every day commuting. Cost alone is crazy, let alone wasted time.

@eebrenner: Totally, I think they were confusing "can" and "should" with "can't" and "shouldn't."

@MacAttack: I agree, but at the same time a lot of being a good driver comes from experience.

That's why I'll never living in a city without an established train system again.

So if Apple suddenly removed Boot Camp/ability to load other OSs it would be fine? I'm also not sure on how the number of people who take advantage of a built in feature makes it ok to remove it. Many people I know google a website and click on the results to get to the site. Does that mean it's ok to remove the

Sony stated, "It was fully intended that you, a PS3 owner, could play games, watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and run a full-featured Linux operating system that transforms your PS3 into a home computer."

I'd rather have "free" media deleted with an update than have core functionality removed with one (stares at Sony).

So it's been delayed forever-ever?

@danielrbischoff: Uggg, I'm trying to make a move right now, living a studio presently but me and a friend just found an awesome place, great area, huge bi-level apartment...It's ours, but now we're not sure when the current tenants are moving out. Play some games and explore the new neighborhood and make your gf

@Cobaltios: Iron Man was good, Iron Man 2 was...not as good, and honestly didn't see Hulk, but I was thinking more of Spiderman 3/X-men 3. I also wouldn't really consider Wolverine: Origins a Marvel movie, but sadly, it was.

Yeah, didn't look too bad to me either. I never really read Captain America comics, but I do wonder if it will end with him being frozen, as it's the only way to really transition into the Avengers movie. Also, X-Men First Class isn't looking to shabby by a long shot, hopefully 2011 will bring some redemption for

Well done.

This shit went downhill really fast last time, I'm staying out of it.