
I was pretty happy to see Beast as well, but ho's teleporting around? Didn't look like Nightcrawler.

Writer as well. The Kick Ass director is also making me feel good about this.

Yeah, but comics kind of work like that anyway, haven't both DC and Marvel rebooted they're whole universes like 5 time each in the past 10 years? With Brian Singer writing and the Kick Ass director, I can't pass this up. Plus, it looks pretty damn cool.

I think so, I could see not liking them if you were a big fan of the comics, but as movies themselves, they're solid.

I'd say Spiderman 2 is the best superhero movie ever, followed closely by X-Men 2.

That's what I'm wondering, I didn't see Wolverine but the other two made me want to punch someone. I mean, how can you mess up a Venom story that much?

That's what I love about comic books, you can have as many different stories as you want. Age of Apocalypse trilogy? How hot would that be?

Oh man, school is in...

Appears to be one of those times where reading the comments is more amusing that actually watching the video.

Not surprising, most companies wouldn't be where they are without healthy competition. MS, Apple, Nintendo and Sony would be very different if they didn't have each other to motivate innovation.

So me and the gf are going to see STS-134 [[] launch in April; final launch of Endevor and possibly the last Shuttle launch ever. I'm super excited, locked down a motel already and am going to start calling around for Congressional tickets for the best possible view. Also makes me realize that I'm

Ummm, drunken Mario Kart is pretty much the best fun you can have ever, people can multitask.

Now playing

Technology itself isn't bad, it's how we use and interact with it....Just like everything. Anyway, to lighten the mood, children discuss tech that was invented during my lifetime.

Totally. The fact that there are new entertainment mediums doesn't mean your responsibility as a parent to teach your child how to survive is somehow diminished.

If you've ever been camping those skills are more useful than knowledge of animation. This is, or course, assuming you can't have both skills, which is a little preposterous.

Yeah, but I'd rather there be a non-religious and non-homophobic group that would do the same thing.

Nope, you got to the point pretty quick.


Why would Starbucks be mad, you're stealing from someone else, not them.