Once again, Gizmodo does not fail to deliver the scum of the earth in the comments. Good job guys, you're making everyone proud.
Once again, Gizmodo does not fail to deliver the scum of the earth in the comments. Good job guys, you're making everyone proud.
@Harpsichord: Agreed
Honesty and not acting like a jackass will usually get you the best results with Apple support. Not that difficult.
@caincha: You'll probably kill the headphones before the iPod; I've never had problems and have used my iPhone 4 in the snow/rain.
@Interstella5555: Like using the back as the reigns for Agro.
Or (gasp) new IPs? I know, I know, it's crazy, but just a thought.
@Getsuga Tensho: Not going to happen, they've repeatedly said the the NGP is not a phone.
@ihaveascreenname: No grounds, and I doubt they will.
@Shanfara: You're over thinking it, relax.
@Kadin: I need to get in some more Epic Mickey later after I play some snow Ultimate. I'm beginning to realize when I make the "wrong" choice in more open ended games I really tend to regret it, and sometimes will stop playing for a while because I feel...guilty? I don't know, something like that. Just need to…
@chaos_isnt_here: I never had any consoles growing up (also no TV in the house until I was 9, and that was only for watching VHS rentals on the weekend. When I got to college I got sucked into Unreal Tournament for a while, but after I bought my NGC (and subsequently PSP/2/3 and Wii) I've never really been interested…
@iadagraca: Which I will be after buying the NGP...all makes sense now.
@PluvialisAquila: I stand by my wording. (it's the internet, I can't admit I was wrong...)
So sad. RIP
I had a blast with Epic Yarn, so I'll defiantly be picking this up.
I don't want iPad games on this, I want PS3 level games.
I remember when I got my original PSP I thought the nub was a speaker (wasn't really as much of a gamer as I am now).
@DaStone: The gameboy was the portable of choice when I was in middle school (well, elementary when it came out)...Also, your scenario's not that far off; you're playing on the PC, have to switch over to the PS3, then leave a little later and are taking the bus/metro...being able to play the same game across three…
Are they "retractable" in any way? I'm just a little worried they're going to catch on the edge off a case or something in my bag. After 5 and a half years the nub on my PSP popped off...somewhere, even though I only use it when I travel and usually throw it in the included soft case when I put it in my bag.