
Wii - Light gaming and Netflix streaming if I'm on the road.

@buckyboy2009: That sucks man, I hardly every use youtube, but it's clear the videos are exactly the same. I question your music taste, but not your integrity.

@badoor: Ummm, that is Kevin, just a SoC version of him..

Snow in DC (though not a lot), still enough for me to change my plans of leaving the house today, guess it's just going to be cleaning.

I know where your moms are...

@so i herd some things...: Right, but I'm saying the laptop in the first place; what made him think it was that store instead of a different one?

$6 is certainly not unheard of for apps, many being above that amount, and 1GB? Big but nothing to write home about...unless you need some attention.

How did he know someone farther down the line hadn't stolen it?


Must get a job by Q4...

@chronomasakari: I'm asian and people think I'm black from time to time. I got the race of the guys who mugged me a couple weeks ago correct, but this was a kid alone inside his house, lot more traumatic, it's understandable that he may have been fuzzy.

The Jedi's are going to feel this one.

Hey, it's Uncharted 3, of course it's going to be amazing. The environmentally contextual melee looks like it could be fun, but I'm also starting to wonder when I should black-out myself from media to avoid too many spoilers....and the game was announced less than two weeks ago!

@Almightywhacko: I don't think it's ever going to happen with "core" games. Games like Cut the Rope, Trism, and even Dungeon Hunter are fun on the phone, they rely on a very, very limited control scheme. Without adding hardware, there's just no way to come close to replicating the 10 buttons+analog stick on the PSP

I would rather see a 128GB version of the iPhone, continually using data and more battery to stream stuff I should be able to store locally doesn't make much sense to me.

Wii Pee (Golden Edition)

@buckyboy2009: I played when I was in like 6th grade and had put countless hours into this character....and my friend threw away the character sheet while cleaning out our locker. I never went back, but had a great time while I played it

Clearly a reference to 2D, subtly striking back at the crazed rush towards the adoption of 3D. Well played Kotaku, well played.