
@idDobie: AS other's have said, he's in the comics, also in TAS.

"The Joker already did the serum-charged henchmen thing in 2009's award-winning Batman: Arkham Asylum game but this secret identity twist would be a fresh addition to the game series."

@duuktoprock: I used to live in Bloomington, where is this at? Looks pretty awesome.

@GoodENuff: Oh, may have missed that one.

@Maxximtl: The white one is probably the prototype, it doesn't have the lighting that the black one does.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: hat are you talking about, why wouldn't Amazon sell this game?

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: hat are you talking about, why wouldn't Amzaon sell this game?

It's been a while since I lived more than 30 min. from the closest airport and always accessible by public transportation Perks of living in a metro area....

I live in a studio, so I usually have my computer in bed with me most of the time. Sometimes my phone, but that's pretty rare.

The prison system in the US is pretty appalling on all levels, I agree that shifting to a more rehabilitation/re-entry into society focus would be beneficial to everyone.

@excaliburps: Right? I've been around here for a while, but I don't remember when, is there an easy way to check your registration date?

Inevitable progression: Uwe Boll announces his next film will be "Minecraft - Blocks of Blood."

@-MasterDex-: Hmmm, looks like it's a conspiracy too take out high level starred commentators. Are we getting too powerful?

@kratos_hates_everyone: There was a discussion over on the Trailer post about ho many of us couldn't determine if the soldier in the chair was live action or CGI until the 2nd or 3rd watch through. It does look pretty amazing, I'm definitely looking forward to the eye candy of this and Uncharted 3.

@Ackbar-is-The-Boss: "luckily" I got mugged a few weeks ago and changed my password on pretty much everything except Gawker (I don't comment from my phone on here), so I only needed to change one pass. I agree, it's annoying though, and the Oh, by the way...approach that Gawker is taking isn't helping my anger

@CuttySark: Yup, not even an apology to their readers, just business as usual. Classy.

@jmd1513: Have you never heard of an Advent Calendar? I'm assuming that's what the seasonal pack is based on; you open a "door" on a calender every day leading up to Christmas, but only one a day. Stuff behind the door ranges from a poem to nice chocolate or small toys.

That's awesome, best luck to everyone that was involved with this.

@-MasterDex-: Apparently I don't know how to look, thanks :-)

@MichaelPalin: You have to avoid hearing about it in the past? That's some dedication to being spoiler free.