@The Cap'n: Agreed.
@The Cap'n: Agreed.
Guess I'm one of those sad, sad people who won't be giving you any more money. Well, actually I don't think I own any EA games, so I've never given you any money.
(shrugs) I've been unemployed for 6 months, everyone's getting a card this year.
@fbales: How is that an admission of guilt? She's right, if other scientist have a problem with her findings, they should conduct their own experiments to refute her results, not debate it on a blog. I could post all night about how her work is correct, but it wouldn't mean anything until I actual examine the work…
@Edfire77: I only really watch two shows on ABC...and no, I'm not saying which ones they are.
ABC currently has the worst player of any Network, requiring you to physically interact with ads before the show resumes. If coming to Netflix eliminates this, I'm all for it.
Ok, honestly, who here looks at porn on a portable device while you're outside of the house?
Urine the game now.
Didn't they unveil an OS, not a browser?
Except people don't just write on the internet. I've needed to write docs at work that requiers a lot of caps, this would be pointlessly annoying.
@anduin1: Yup, we just to pretend to be better because most of ours in institutionalized.
@Liudeius: Glenn Beck has no real political power, I think you're looking for more of a Santorum.
I hope you're drinking.
Regular testing is also important, even if you are practicing safe sex (in or out of a monogamous relationship).
@William Henry Harrison: I was wondering that as well, I applaud the effort, but there should be some type of waring that multiple methods are best.
@phantomzxro: You'll be hearing from my lawyer :-)
@Tactful: One f the reasons I enjoyed Uncharted 2, though NPCs (outside of Multiplayer) both Chloe and Elena were solid women that I don't feel like are just there to look at.
In recent memory of entertainment affecting dreams -
Considering I've purchased 2 phones from them in the last 6 months you'd think I'd get one...oh well.
Hmmm, this irony tastes bitter, but it should taste sweet...