@akelly01: I'll help you out....new commentors need to be "approved" before their comments show up. So yeah, there's your approval. And yes, I can see the other 5 times you tried to post it.
@akelly01: I'll help you out....new commentors need to be "approved" before their comments show up. So yeah, there's your approval. And yes, I can see the other 5 times you tried to post it.
@wymantime: That's the great thing about the internet, you can pull news from 5 years ago and people think it's new.
@lemke ☠☠☠: you deserve a star for that.
Wouldn't palm tattoos fade pretty quickly? Just seems like a bad idea all around.
@wrackune: Exactly, I just like the originals better.
@Zubieta: You ain't seen nothin' yet, just wait until you get to 3.
The more popular Tron 2 gets, the more worried I am about how good the actual film will be.
@solarphinn: At least we as fans can't actually change the movie with our revisionist history.
@freedomweasel: Right, if you're going to use historical backdrops and weapons for a game you should at least attempt to be accurate.
@CharmeleonWithAttitude: It's not that I think there's zero accountability, it's the chicken and egg problem. People who need coping mechanisms and emotional outlets to this degree have pre-existing problems; video games are just the chosen outlet in these cases. Violent movies, books, art, and religion are all used…
I approve of this message.
@Gramma42ton: He has two sons, the older (Mini) and the younger (Micro)
Where I'm from that's called "bouncing," not landing.
@Hami83: How does someone like you get a star?
@Unknown2U: Exactly. People in the US are WAY too complacent about things like this.
@Downskated: Batman. I bought it last minute for release day delivery and it blew my socks off.
@CharmeleonWithAttitude: "People with behavioral disorders and mental disabilities gravitate towards video games. "
Now I become death, destroyer of worlds.
@MifuneT: I'm not sure that you would need one if you're just selling over ebay.