@madisondj: Even a "renewable" resource can be depleted if consumption overtakes production.
@madisondj: Even a "renewable" resource can be depleted if consumption overtakes production.
No helium, chocolate, water, or oil? The future is looking bleak indeed.
@Megamoppy: *spoilers* Identifying his heart as the structural weak spot may have been the cheesiest thing I've seen in a movie, ever.
@madammina: My main game is Uncharted 2 multiplayer, but I'll usually cycle through old games when I'm bored. God of War is great for getting out some tension/aggression, pikmin for some true RTS goodness...
Sometimes a prop is just a prob, unplug your surge protectors when you leave the house.
@DominusSapientia: Metroid in the Metroidvania backtracking and exploring sense, WoW in the art direction, and there's definitely some GoW thrown in there as well. The game is good and fun, but does wear its influences on its sleeves.
Ummm, I'm ot sure how many household birds eat fish, or even would know what to do with one.
@Netscott: My two will do this sometimes (maybe not as loud). Too cute.
I've always wondered how cats see things like this. Mine will go after things on my computer screen and the TV, but, as others have said, are putting their paws where the object would be if it was real...is there an inability to differentiate 2D from 3D in their eyes, or can they just not process that it's not really…
Should be a fun one
"the sequel is said by its creators to be more along the lines of Darksiders"
@Bradax24: I'd imagine at some point you forget about the game and just fight the other person in the living room.
All DST does is underscore what an artificial human construct time is.
So actors and actresses don't appear in commercials out of the goodness of their hearts, or just because they like the company? Frankly, I find that shocking.
"Even as he passed his 50s, Nishizaki never quite settled into old age."
I find it pretty offensive that you can't imagine a world without war.
@ForestFire0: I'm pretty sure you're right, I don't think the iPhone "phones home" in this way.
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
@BioLady: Racism isn't defined by the object of it.