@Chris Dhanaraj: Live it up baby
@Chris Dhanaraj: Live it up baby
Huh, I don't remember the names of any of the people that have inked me.
@Shinkirou: There's absolutely nothing wrong with jaywalking if you do it correctly. There's a flow to vehicle and pedestrian traffic; if you interrupt or interfere with that flow, you should get a ticket. People who live in cites and have common sense aren't the problem, it's the people who just wander out into the…
@rhugghed: That was the beginning of the end...It could have been a decent movie as well, but the whole third act was just unnecessary (well, the whole movie was, but you know what I mean...) I was disappointed too, because Cube is one of my favorite movies.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I've tossed that idea out a couple times as well. Even in this article there's 3 or 4 comments I want to make, but don't want to promote the comments. I know we, as starred commenters, are more mature and worldly, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get snarky sometimes.
@nick111: But that's the problem, it inflates meaningless chatter to the top of the discussion.
@FutbolGenius: That's cool, my Junior year (HS) AP English teacher told me I shouldn't use "plethora" in a paper because the word was too long and no one would know what it meant. I do have to give your teacher that on though.
@Snake_Plissken: (shrugs) I use Engadget and some of the other sites that use upvoting and I prefer Kotaku and Gawker's approach overall.
@DTownsu: You should have heard the audience when I (regrettably) went to Splice. The last 30 minutes everyone was either laughing or groaning.
Interesting, the only Teslas I've seen IRL are gray; I was wondering if there were any other colors.
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Wii and PS3...I guess the iPhone as well, but I don't really consider that a console.
@Fernando Jorge: I went the other way and lost my life to video games.
@Mooglecharm: Oh totally, not only did it not really fit in with the Metroid feel, it just didn't make sense. How can I hurt other team members when I'm alone? And how does it hurt anyone else to protect myself from heat damage????
@Mozz-eyes: One of the definite fringe benefits of living alone, I don't think I've ever closed my bathroom door.
@PlaidNinja: I've been in the mood for some Metroid Prime and Pikmin, but for the life of me can't seem to find my Wavebird receiver. Sitting in the middle of my living room with a wired controller just isn't as much fun.
@TailsNZ: I was thinking about that as well, I do like how Fringe does the location display.
@Composition_C-4: June/July 2011. Saved you some time.
The same reason Nintendo gave everyone free condoms after people kept breaking their TVS...Public/media perception of a problem demands a response, even if that response isn't really needed.
Seems like a cop out, you could protects the barrels and glass while making them look more "authentic" and perhaps not have to do a full over-the-head hold before "throwing" the barrels. Having the school support it takes away pretty much everything from the activity.