
Incidentally, there's nothing wrong with guar gum or cellulose. The latter of which is actually a fundamental building block of all plant life. It's used as calorie-less filler and to provide a creamier texture in many of our foods. It's actually kind of great, cause other alternatives would only make the foods

Pfff. Amateur.

Yeah, but I say I "made" dinner when I microwave 7 chicken nuggets and put some ketchup and mustard on a plate. It's a loose term.

What's up with the dude just dangling from the helicopter?

I will *never* condemn variety in the car market and I'll never understand why journalists are so eager to!?! Bring on the weird and ugly!

Still shocking to me that the world hated itself so much that 60 million were sent to their deaths in 6 years.

At 1/8th the size of the shuttle, I would say so.

How can you honestly say that the Escalade doesn't like 100x better than this Lincoln disaster?

It's gaudy as all fuck, but it looks like what it is, and what it should be.

If driving 2 miles is an option, walking 2 miles is an option.

wounder.. very cool

We need more Easter eggs like this.

Yeah, back then I really had my shit together.

I my own personal self worked on the poop transmitter project back in the day. They were vibration sensors triggered by trucks or even marching soldiers. The plastic poop-like case was tailored to the region where it would be used, to mimic the feces of animals common in that area.

Fuck you, how about I pay for a membership in a convenient bike sharing program which allows me to bike casually - often times one way - and it won't cost you anything. Don't want a bikeshare, don't participate!

Whoever first pointed out the swallowed 911, I hate you. I can't un-see it no matter how much I try.

I think retouching has been a part of professional photography for quite some time now - long before photoshop was even invented. So what the hell are you talking about?

After spending 15 years as a photographer and countless hours in the darkroom, I am authorized to say you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Dodge and burn, fool. Dodge and burn.

I'll go ahead and plant the flag...