Runs on recycled dinosaurs

That statement alone should be grounds to have his visa stripped.

Now playing

What we need here is a guy with a big truck...

Now playing

Where was this American hero when we needed him?

“He told me verbatim, ‘I could have you killed and get away with it,’” Rogers said. “I told him, ‘the press is allowed to be here on the sidewalk on a public street.’ He said, ‘(Expletive) America’ and threw a cigarette at me.”

If this guy really is from Qatar, then I apologize on behalf of Qataris. This is not acceptable. I’ve forwarded this to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to look into this. I really do hope that this person is not really Qatari.

If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.

Those G-Wagens I love. Plaid seats!

Give me a fucking Hellcat Wrangler. Right FUCKING NOW!

I think we all need a palate cleanser / reality check after that.

“We’re gonna make so much money off this ridiculous thing,” McNotreal laughed, forcing a bulging fist of expired Ambien and Ketamine pills into his mouth. “So much fucking money.”

No there’s not.

So you got the humour delete then?

HAHA that plate tho!

“Suckin’ It In”

I think it’s Quiet Sobbin’ because that’s all you can do with a sock duct taped in your mouth like the girl in the back of the van.

Here’s one I actually remember from when I was a kid.

Mercedes do a second sun visor behind the first (lives up against the roofline) so then you more the main one sideways to cover the side window you can still pop down another one for when the sun is really at the corner or you’re on a twisty road with the sun to your left etc... So simple but so very useful.

Wow, he’s really trying to turn his state into a bigger shithole than Kansas is becoming in record time, isn’t he?