Runs on recycled dinosaurs

This is so satisfying I’ve watched it loop at least 10 times now. Everytime I get a little more exicted for justice.

Damn. That’s nearly 1,000 GBP. That’s over $1,500 USD. I’m all for getting people in the right lane but overly harsh fines are not something I’m in favor of.

Absa-fuckin-lutly (as we Aussies say).

If you don’t have room to stop then you’re following too fucking closely.

Absolutely this. The post should be titled : Holy Crap This Idiot Ruined A Moose Because He Was Following Too Closely.

How about... stopping the car, instead?

If a car in front of you does a panic stop, why the hell would somebody’s reaction to be to go around them?

They look pretty cool slammed too.

Tatras are wierd, but those articulated load axles have *no joints*.

“A man provokes a bear by repeatedly trowing stones at it and then is attacked by the bear, “

The endless stream of folks falling all over themselves to blame the cartoonists as “asking for it”, while excusing the acts of the terrorists, is almost more fascinating than the knee-jerk brainwashed “behead those who slander the prophet” reaction of the terrorists.

No matter how many times it happens, I am still flabbergasted that people could be driven on a suicidal murderous rampage because somebody drew a cartoon of their flying spaghetti monster.

I know I'll get heat from all the Transit fanboys, but...

i’m sorry quigley, i can’t hear you over my immense awesomness...

the vast majority of people buying these kinds of cars wouldn’t know a torsion beam from a steering wheel. making a car more expensive to build for no reason whatsoever is a good way to piss away money.

Tatra (centre load tube with half-axles moving around differenctial axles)

“And he’s a major shareholder in News Corporation, which owns Fox News.”

So a “Tune” (the modification that sees the biggest power gains, especially on turbo cars) is what they are wanted to make illegal? You know what, if I want to grenade my engine in the search of power, that’s my business. I’ve never expected a manufacture to warranty anything in the driveline after an ECU flash, and I

The funny thing is that with software/hardware like HP Tuners I can properly disable my upstream or downstream O2’s without any effect on the airbag system. If they outlaw such 3rd party hardware/software, people will be wiring in all sorts of weird hacked shit trying to bypass the system which will wreak havoc on the

Ok. This is absolutely stupid. I mean, beyond idiotic for sure. I mean, I can understand if there’s a loan out on the car, or a lien on the title, you can’t do some things because of that, but if the title is clear and IN YOUR NAME, the car belongs to you. It is a piece of personal property.