Runs on recycled dinosaurs

Talk to Eddie Bello about that, he drags 911's in a proper fashion.

Just run a heat gun over any unwanted area until the desired effect is achieved. Then prop in house window with curtain pulled back juuuuuust far enough.

Yup, 99.9999% of them are carbon but a carbon road bike will be a couple pounds lighter if not more. A nice tri bike will usually be in the 17-19 pound range while racing bikes are going for the 14.5ish pound minimum weight. Tri bikes are all about aero and slicing through the wind as efficiently as they can given the

In a nutshell, kick stands can cause crashes. It happens more than you think.

I worked as a service manager at a bike shop that specialized in tri crap. I’m 6'2" and push 275 due to doing construction work as my main income. These tri nerds would always end up asking me if I run to which I would always response with, “no, I stand my ground”. I mountain bike so when I was done with school I

Tri bikes are WAY heavier than an equivalent or even less priced road bike. The aero designs take more materials to make. If you think one is light go over to the road bike section and pick up a carbon one. Just be careful not to throw it at the ceiling.

I’ve worked and been around bike shops as a service manager/mechanic since the late 80's, kick stands can cause folks to crash. That’s why high end bikes, especially road and tri bikes, don’t have them. They can drop down while the bike is being ridden and the rider will not know until it catches something while in a

Driving home at 2am in my old 91' Burb and slowly all of my electricity goes away. Figure it’s the battery or a shot alternator. Call cab, wait for fuck all ever for it in 4 degree weather with wife. Get up early and run to parts store and buy new battery, alternator and a belt then go find truck. Pop hood and find

I used to do that same shit with an old Volvo 242. I’d be fucking around and stuff the front and put it in reverse and let out the clutch then run around and push it out and run back around and jump in. Ah, the good times we had.

Both motors are in the 430-450 pound range. The 3.5 has the added weight of the turbos and associated equipment. I own a twin turbo car and a couple of V8 powered vehicles, as long as the engine makes me smile I'll have it. I will say that an inline 6 sounds WAY better than any V6, but that's my opinion. V6s just

Them god damned southern transplants fuck everything up every winter.

Yes the salt trucks were out but they were on the interstate and hitting main roads and intersections, my neighborhood roads were like a hockey rink until it warmed up again a week later and the shit melted away.

Wisco here, this winter has been warmer for the most part until the last few weeks. Before the ground froze we got a couple inches of snow on warm ground which started melting then we got freezing rain on top of that that night, this was about a month ago. I was at work a bit early the next morning and we still took

After putting Blizzaks under my 540 wagon it helped both braking and turning IMMENSELY but the car is fucking planted and not squirrelly at all unless I make it get loose but even that is hard to do, still have to think ahead and drive responsibly though. I call these tires my winter velcros. Huge improvement after

Yeah, that reply should have gone to the commenter upstairs, not literally upstairs but Jalopnikaly, instead of you.

Four wheel drive DOES not mean four wheel stop.

If renting store the winter tires in a small garden storage bench type deal or chain them all together and cover with a motorcycle cover or a tarp and bungee cords.

Then by y the best “all season” tires you can afford before winter hits if they are getting worn. Not just two, replace all four. It is cheaper than getting into an accident, hitting a pedestrian and having higher and higher insurance premiums. Is it really that hard to plan ahead?

Then carry some fucking sand bags in your trunk and if you get stuck open trunk and sprinkle sand I front of and get some under you spinning tires to get you going.

It’s called planning ahead if you live in a northern region, the winters would have already been on and you would have had better grip to help get you home. I live in Wisconsin and only have rear wheel drive or my 4WD Suburban. Stuck twice in my driving career, one time because I was out fucking around in an old Volvo