Uhhhhh, no...driving will warm up the catalytic converter faster. Also, many cars have air injection/bypass/recirc systems to get the cat heated up quicker when cold.
Uhhhhh, no...driving will warm up the catalytic converter faster. Also, many cars have air injection/bypass/recirc systems to get the cat heated up quicker when cold.
Who said anything about "revving to the moon"?
Anywhere you're seeing "minus forty", you should be running appropriate fluid weights for that temperature.
Camped out in the left lane illegally (which is probably why the cars started to pass him on the right, and why she was impatient) and yakking on the phone to his wife. Guy was probably completely zoned out; after the red car pulls in front, it takes him FIVE SECONDS to start braking (you can hear the jake brake.)
Impressive in part because there's apparently no safety. After a string of crashes that killed a lot of spectators, at least in the US there are some pretty strict rules as to where your routine can be. Basically, at no time can your plane be pointed at or traveling in the direction of the crowd.
Is it your mission to post the most inane, obvious comment you possibly can every time?
The tail is damaged from the plane rolling in the field...
Does Geo always take 5 times longer than necessary to tell something to someone, while speaking in a very condescending voice?
Not particularly fast (it's massively heavy), the suspension is infamously unreliable (the left and right sides are hydraulically linked. "Fails coming home from being repaired at the dealer" levels of unreliability), the trunk is near useless (they just tossed the battery in, threw a piece of carpet over it and said…
Aaaaand what percentage of its time do you think that truck spends moving? Or going over 15mph?
It's not intriguing; an engine that size in such a small car seriously fucks up the weight balance. You could also buy two used M3's, tune one to similar HP numbers, turn the other into a track car, and still have some money for a cheap tow vehicle and trailer.
Except that increased surface area would increase the heat transfer from sunlight...
The Swedes claim that the purpose of their autonomous drive functions is not to make it easier for people tweet or read newspapers behind the steering wheel, but to keep occupants safe day and night, and in situations where the human eye's range is just not good enough.
Why not just put shade on the truck? A layer of metal suspended an inch or two away from the tank will shield it from solar radiation.
"As enthusiasts, we take changing the oil in our cars very seriously. But for many people changing the oil is an afterthought and look for the cheapest and easy way possible. These folks usually get what they pay for."
The issues with the KAIST Unmanned Systems Research Group's car were numerous, but the biggest problems had less to do with the slippery road surface and more to do with the visual systems. Those cameras and LIDAR arrays are dependent on a clear view, and with the angle of the car shifting and the direction of the…
You don't drive when elderly people are on the road, probably. Spend more time on the road outside rush hour and you'll be stunned.
How do they feel about a class-action lawsuit for what horrendous lemons the R series were?
Virtually zero position adjustability and no VESA mount....it probably hasn't been selling well and they're clearing old stock. I'd guess a better model with a better mount is coming along, maybe lower-priced 4k IPS panels are coming out soon, etc. Buyer beware.
Virtually zero position adjustability and no VESA mount....it probably hasn't been selling well and they're clearing…