
Nah. Germany. Trade mostly dominated by manufacturing.

The reason no one understands this, is that the people who own media networks think that the situation is just fine how it is now.

What you really need to be asking for, is someone to drive behind you the whole way with a flatbed and a winch.  Because that’s the only way this thing is getting to Moab.

We could probably get somewhere by eating the excess babies in third world countries, don’t you think? I admire your work, but would love a sequel to that Lilliputian thing...

Get rid of the silver hood stripe, and maybe.

In marketing, the sound of danger sells. Real actuarial danger is a manufacturing loss, though.  Thus the tension.

What exactly are you driving?

Yeah, I’m thinking more Bentley, honestly.

My first thought.

Honestly, it would be a nice demonstration of concept for somebody like VW to create a production electric vehicle; a hybrid maybe, which COULD actually do the stuff a HiLux does. You might really make a dent in third world emissions if you did.

It is a characteristic of the electric fanboi to pretend not to understand, and then reply with some tangential factoid which doesn’t really have bearing on the original question.

Cool.  So you get pilings without pounding them in...

Apparently it does hold tears, though.

I bet it was porn.

Wrong. You didn’t need to look for the knob. You never took your eyes off the road. You just put your hand down there and turned it.

This is true. It amazes me how people think of percentages, without actually calculating the magnitude of the total cost difference over the life of the car.

Nonsense.  None of the regular controls were way up there ‘since forever’.  What are you? Fifteen years old?