
Because as we all know, Michigan is a state where no one needs jobs, and more robots are required to fill in for the shiftless population that refuses to work...

As I said, the sum of this is uncertain. Even if certain tendencies are predictable. The interesting thing about markets, is that they do NOT react in predictable ways, based simply upon mathematics and self-interest.

Not necessarily. What you say is the conventional wisdom, but may not be correct.

Part of the recent USA/Mexico NAFTA renegotiation, was increasing content requirement of >$16.00 per hour Mexican auto workers, in order to decrease the incentive to build cars there, and ship them here.

Senile dementia presents in many ways, but this is a new one on me.

My observation, is that he is trading too much in generalizations, when the comparison between gasoline and diesel engines requires more precision. There are some really, really interesting areas of research in combustion design that he could be talking about here which would be more pertinent to the discussion.

Well, it is nice looking inside.


Seeing as it’s a station wagon, you can only have 3-4 kids. If you have more, you need to sell one anyway.

Where you went wrong, is being wrong:


No. This whole article is hyperbolic horeshit.

I’m as likely to buy one of these as a pit bull is to be impressed with your designer packaged catnip. Which is to say, not at all.

Lithium is even better than lighters. It doesn’t even need a flame. It spontaneously combusts.

Being as it’s Whole Foods, what we have here, is a secret camera equipped WatchFruit, placed there strategically by store security after the carjacking. Because in the Soth, no one would ever look at fruit twice, let alone actually EAT it. We only keep it around to make kitchen arangements look festive

More importantly, who gets the cake?

Damn. It’s a good thing I can roll my ‘r’s.

That 3/4 view is pure porn.

Wut a Donckerwolke...

Actually the QA in Mexico is not as good as the German plants.