
You misunderstood. Move toward more cooperation with the US. Reread it.

Trying to piss off the Chinese is both too easy and generally nonproductive in and of itself. The objective here should be to deny the Chnese their aggressive territorial overreach, while at the same time demonstrating the advantage of cooperative defense relationships to nations like the Philippines and Indonesia.

I guess we’ll see, won’t we dear ‘dipstick’.

Oh, so now we are resorting to name calling? Ha! Childish. Listen, ‘dipstick’, this is an opportunity to use a Chinese overstep to rebuild a SE Asian consensus which was ruined with the conflict in Viet Nam. The US has huge interests in expanding our relationships there beyond Taiwan and Japan.

No we shouldn’t let them be. That’s capitulation. Fear of confronting provocative actions loses the negotiation advantage with other weaker nations who simply cannot confront China. And it is precisely the fact of China’s massive economic ties with the US that make a nuclear exchange unlikely. Plus, we have a

The point is, the ease of shooting down an unmanned drone, might make the Chinese try it. Any aggresion though, proves our point, and creates an anti- Chinese consensus. So strategically, the US should harrass the crap out of them with drones, until they actually try something stupid, and respond with military force.

Yeah. I followed somebody here.

Good. You don't have to be an ideologue to be right, you know.

Well said.

I guess that the recent change in leadership in Kyiv means that the Ukrainians are about to 'loose' too then, huh?

Yeah, I agree with you. We already have rulings saying a substantial portion of the Patriot Act is unconstitutional. The only question, is how much of it is going to be thrown out, and if it can survive scrutiny, now that Snowden helped us all figure out the shenanigans the NSA was up to. And Germany is about to get

Actually, she's dead, so that's factually correct. But fuck you anyway.

I agree. That joke is most certainly past optimum ripeness.

What about that turbo placement? That looks like trouble to me.

Excellent article. Thank you, Jalopnik.

Well said.

"Because that's where the money is..."

"..Sometimes a Mustang is just a Mustang..."

Yes. Of course. A car with specific handling imbalances can be a marvelous driver's car. Just look at drift cars for instance. Or Top Fuel dragsters.

I don't see where DoctorNine said 'violate the law whenever they see fit'. Those seem to be your words actually. VIP's get security details that block off roads, get cycle escorts, and make regular people wait all the time. Everywhere. This is just one of those cases. Don't act stupid. You know that as well as